Help Fund Our Case and Cause: to thwart Mark Zuckerberg's Efforts to force the sale of family owned cultural lands in Hawai'i


We seek funding to help with our defense and preservation of the Rapozo kuleana lands, a family cultural legacy that has been safeguarded by the Rapozo family for over a hundred years.   A disaffected cousin Carlos Andrade and billionare Mark Zuckerberg have team up to bring and fund a law suit using an outdate and ugly colonial era statute to force the Rapozo family to sell thereby wiping out this family guarded cultural legacy.  Less than 1 % of Hawaii are made up of these kuleana cultural legacies. We have lost at the district court level as the court has not allowed us to present evidence on the collusion and abuse of legal process under way.  This  case will set a horrible precedent that could wipe out all family held  cultural properties in Hawaii.   Hence we resist this assault on private property and Hawaiian cultural  legacy. Please join  us.  Any and call contributions are appreciated.

Below is a paypal link.  Donors who wish to directly contribute can contact us directly by email or via the Hawaii phone number.  We also have a gofundme account listed with gofundme and on facebook (thanks Marky)

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card